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Me and "The Hell Bitch"
My 50th birthday gift to myself a 2004 Harley she is named after Captain Call's horse on Lonesome Dove.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Little Louisiana History Lesson and other Tings I Lurnt Wile Livin In Dat Lusana

A Little Louisiana History Lesson:
If Hurricane Katrina causing the levees to break in New Orleans is the only thing you know about Louisiana , here are a few more interesting facts about the Bayou State:
* Louisiana has the tallest state capitol building in the nation at 450 feet.
* The Louisiana SuperDome in New Orleans is the largest enclosed stadium in the world.

* The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway is the longest over-water bridge in the world at 23.87 miles.

* Louisiana's 6.5 million acres of wetlands are the greatest wetland area in America .

* The oldest city in the Louisiana Purchase Territory is Natchitoches , Louisiana founded in 1714. * The first bottler of Coca-Cola, Joseph Bie Denharn, lived in Monroe , Louisiana and was one of the founders of Delta Air Lines, initially called Delta Air Service.

* Delta Airlines got its start in Monroe , Louisiana when Parish Agent, C.E. Woolman, decided to try dusting the Boll Weevil that was destroying the cotton crops in the Mississippi River Delta from an airplane. It was the first crop dusting service in the world.

* Southern University in Baton Rouge , Louisiana is the largest predominantly black university in America .
* Baton Rouge was the site of the only American Revolution battle outside the original 13 colonies.

* The formal transfer of the Louisiana Purchase was made at the Cabildo building in New Orleans on December 20, 1803.

* The staircase at Chretien Point Plantation, in Sunset, Louisiana was copied for Tara in "Gone with the Wind."

* Louisiana is the No. 1 producer of crawfish, alligators and shallots in America .
* Louisiana produces 24 percent of the nation's salt, the most in America .* Much of the world's food, coffee and oil pass through the Port of New Orleans .
* Tabasco , a Louisiana product, holds the second oldest food trademark in the U.S. Patent Office.

* Steen's Syrup Mill in Abbeville , Louisiana is the world's largest syrup plant producing sugar cane syrup.* America 's oldest rice mill is in New Iberia , Louisiana at KONRIKO Co
* The International Joke Telling Contest is held annually in Opelousas , Louisiana.
* LSU (The Ole War Skule) in Baton Rouge has the distinction of contributing the most officers to WW II after the U.S. Military academies.

* The Louisiana Hayride radio show helped Hank Williams, Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash achieve stardom. It was broadcast from KWKH Radio in Shreveport , Louisiana from 1948 to 1960.

* The term Uncle Sam was coined on the wharfs of New Orleans before Louisiana was a U.S. Territory as goods labeled U.S. Were from "Uncle Sam."
* The game of craps was invented in New Orleans in 1813 as betting was a common activity on the wharves.
* When states had their own currency, the Louisiana Dix (French for ten) was a favored currency for trade. English speakers called them Dixies and coined the term Dixieland.

* New Orleans is the home of the oldest pharmacy in America at 514 Chartres Street in the French Quarter. These early medical mixtures became known as cocktails (guess they were good for what ails ya?), Coining yet another term.

* New Orleans is the birthplace of Jazz, the only true American art form. Jazz gave birth to the Blues and Rock and Roll music.

Viva La Louisiane!!!


1. Possums sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the air. If you can get too them fast enouf, it's road kill.
2. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 live in LOUISIANA
3. There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 live in LOUISIANA plus a couple no one 's seen before.
4. If it grows, it sticks; if it crawls, it bites.
5. Onced and twiced are words.
6. It is not a shopping cart; it is a buggy.
7. Fire ants consider your flesh as a picnic
8. People actually grow and eat okra.
9. Fix & into is one word: FIXINTO
10. There is no such thing as 'lunch'. There is only dinner and then there is supper.
11. Ice tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar!
12. Backards and forwards means 'I know everything about you.'
13. Jeet? Is actually a phrase meaning 'Did you eat?'
14. You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what time it is. You work until you're done or it's too dark to see.
15. You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH them. (YEP)
1. You measure distance in minutes.
2. You've ever had to switch from 'heat' to 'A/C' in the same day. (Just done this a few days ago.)
3. You use 'fix' as a verb. Example: 'I'm fixing to go to the store '
4. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect or animal.
5. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked.
6. You know what a 'DAWG' is.
7. You carry jumper cables in your car...for your OWN car.
8. You only own five spices: Tony's (Chachere?), salt, pepper, Tabasco and ketchup. By the way, Tabasco & Tony's are both made in Lousiana.
9. The local papers cover national and international news on one page but require 6 pages for local gossip and sports.
10. You think that the first day of deer season is a national holiday.
11. You find 100 degrees Fahrenheit 'a little warm'.
12. You know all four seasons: Deer Season, Duck Season, Crawfish Season, Summer.
13. You know whether another LOUISIANIAN is from, north or south, as soon as they start talkin' (speaking).
14. Going to Wal-mart is a favorite past time known as 'goin Wal-martin' or 'off to Wally World'?
15. You describe the first cool snap (below 70 degrees) as good gumbo weather. YEP, that's right.
16. A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola or pop...it's a Coke, regardless of brand or flavor.
Example: 'What kinda coke you want?'
17. Fried catfish is the other white meat.
18. We don't need no stinking driver's Ed ....if our mama says we can drive, we can drive.
19. You understand these jokes and forward them to your friends from LOUISIANA (and those who just wish they were).
Not EVERYONE can be a LOUISIANIAN, it's an art form and a gift from God

Friday, March 27, 2009

This is the story of my 1928 Model A "John Boy"

Schelley Brown's 1928 Model A Roadster

Click on album to see before, during and now photos.

This is the story of a 1928 Model A Roadster and it’s slow progress of restoration. This car kind of fell in my lap as most deals that you don’t want to pass up do. It was right down the street from fellow car club members Ray and Linda Shaw (they also are Model A owners). Ray went with me to look at the car. It was owned by an older man and he had owned it since the 60’s. A tree had fallen on his garage and had broken the bows in the top. The car had not been cranked or driven in years but it was inside a building. Ray put a battery in it a little gas and it cranked right up.
Well needless to say I bought it. I had a 0% credit card from Discover and the hook was you had to only charge 2 times a month on it. So I transferred the balance for the car to that and had a 0% loan on it! Ray took it home I drove it around the yard for the first and only time! Then Ray and Linda started taking it apart. Ray did a great job on the motor and all the gears and underneath. We had the wheels powdered coated. We got the dirt-dobber nest out of it!
Then after a while Ray decided the paint and body work was more than he was able to do in his small shop. It needed to be media blasted it ended up in two places for that. One in Ruston for soda blasting which I was not to pleased with and 2nd was a trip to Mr. Dwight Rachel in Anacoco, Louisiana. Dwight is a car nut and has a recreation of an old gas station in his yard that was worth the trip down just to see that. We left it there and went back later to pick it up and take the ‘28 to its new home.
That is where my brother-in-law comes in. David Stahl owns Ark-La-Tex Collision in Minden. I wanted David to do a first class job on the car. I wanted a Senior Car to take to the car show at Petit Jean and to drive to Winnsboro, Texas to the Autumn Trails for Model A Fords that is held every October. Well David started out pretty good. He painted and ordered lots of new parts. But then his real work got in the way. Free family jobs are not the most profitable so the ’28 got put on the back burner and then moved into a corner of the body shop. The other day I went down to look at it and could barley find it. His shop was packed with customers cars and I don't know if he will ever be able to get back to it. So now I need to figure out what to do with this wonderful old piece of automotive history. My hope is... if I can’t get it back together.. that I will find someone that will want to trade a nice running Model A Sedan for a Roadster project and me add some money to that trade or just find someone to sell it to outright. Anyone that knows me knows how bad I hate to give up anything old….. but this car needs to be out on the road less travled with the wind blowing around its radiator cap wings and its aaaoogaaa horn blowing. You can contact me at 318-423-0192 or iluvoldcars@yahoo.com if you are interested in owning this great little car.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Louisiana HOG Rally Weekend 2009

Click on album to see pictures.
Louisiana HOG Ralley 2009
This past weekend was a great weekend for riding. Relatives and new friends from Arkansas came down for the Louisiana HOG Rally in Shreveport, Louisiana. We met up with them on Saturday morning and headed to Gibsland, Louisiana to the Bonnie & Clyde Ambush Museum and then a big loop back to Shreveport Harley-Davidson and then on to the Bossier City store. Sunday we picked up again with old friends and did a total of about 500 miles for the weekend. Weather was great. Perfect for riding!