This was my first ride on "The Hell Bitch". This past Saturday morning, I rode for 3 hours in a parking lot. She didn't throw me so I guess I did ok! The things you do when you turn 50!
In August of 2009 I made a hard decision to sell my beloved "Olivia" it was time for a new chapter in my life and someone that loved her as much as I did wanted to buy her. She changed my life and by selling her she will allow me to fullfill another dream maybe! In 2012 I became a member of Motor Maids, Inc. the oldest women's motorcycle group in the U.S. and Canada. This is the new chapter in my life, riding my 2004 Harley with a great group of new friends.
In September of 2014 I was hit at a red light in Magnolia, Arkansas.....I wasn't totaled out but my motorcycle was. Shortly afterward I found my next ride a 2013 HD Heritage named Buttercup.... cause I sure had to suck it up and just ride.

1937 Buick Special
Me and "The Hell Bitch"

My 50th birthday gift to myself a 2004 Harley she is named after Captain Call's horse on Lonesome Dove.
I Want This Bike!

Me On A 1942 Harley
My Favorite TV Show
The Location Of My Visitors!
Search This Blog For Schelley's Favorite Subjects
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
I Passed The Rider's Edge Class and My DMV TEST

Friday, August 28, 2009
Ride To Live, Feel The Freedom
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Sturgis 2009 |

Ride To Live, Feel The Freedom
Early in my life I became attracted to antique cars and the love of riding on a motorcycle. Of course not just any motorcycle would do. It had to be a Harley. I was 15 years old the first time I jumped on the back of a Harley with a complete stranger! I can still see the looks on my shocked friend’s faces as I jumped on the back of that bike and roared off. I am sure they thought they would never see me again. It later became part of my dating criteria which was probably not such a good choice for picking men! If they didn’t have a Harley I usually passed them by unless they had a Corvette. Both of these modes of transportation can be equally exciting, especially when you are young and think you are bulletproof.
This past August I got to take the ultimate motorcycle vacation with a group of my best friends. We were Sturgis, South Dakota bound for the biggest gathering of motorcycle enthusiast in North America. This was the 69th year for the world famous rally. I know you are thinking wild, lewd behavior and bar room brawls. Not true, at least not where I was! Sure…if you get that many folks together, you are going to see a little bit of everyyyytttthing and sometimes a lot more skin that you would like to see! For the most part Sturgis is normal folks that love to ride, love the smell of leather and fresh air mixed together all from the seat of a great bike.
We saw and rode through some of the most beautiful parts of the U.S.A. that our country offers. I have never been in this part of the world before but look forward to going back. The weather was perfect for riding. Morning temperatures of 40s and highs in the mid 80s by afternoon made this trip a piece of heaven for Louisiana folks. A few afternoon storms were on hand but passed over quickly and made the nights great. Fortunately we missed the terrible hail storm that took place on the Friday we left. This storm did thousands of dollars worth of damage and the videos made it to “You Tube”. We also missed Steven Tyler of Aerosmith falling off the stage but our friends got to see that. Four from our crew stayed at the legendary Buffalo Chip campground; we never made it to the Chip during our trip. For those looking for a little more action the Chip is definitely the place to go. Anything goes at the Chip!
To get there from here it is a two day hard drive. I now know where corn comes from. Corn is all you see for 1000 miles. Yes we trailered the bikes; it is way too far for ME to ride. I wanted to get there ASAP and then ride.
Our first problem happened when we pulled up to where we were staying on Saturday afternoon. We got out of the truck and smelled anti-freeze. The water pump on the truck had gone out. Thanks to Joan and Ron, the great folks that owned the home where we stayed, three or four hours later we had that fixed so we could concentrate on the rest of the week and all the rides and fun that were in store for us.
Our week of fun started on Sunday with a trip to Mount Rushmore. If you have never seen this iconic part of America you have to make this trip. To see it from the back of a Harley probably makes it even more impressive. It was simply one of the most awesome sights I had ever seen. I didn’t know that the rest of the week would be equally as beautiful, plus viewing these amazing sights with hundreds of other bikers made it even better. I quickly learned that many of the people that go to Sturgis every year come from overseas. Many of these riders ship their bikes over for the rally; we met and saw folks from Germany, Scotland, England, and all parts in between! We estimated that in a 100 mile radius a million folks were in for the rally. What an economic impact for this area! The amount of money spent is probably averaged out around $1000 per person and that is probably on the low side.
The B & B we stayed at in Rapid City prepared some of the best breakfasts we had ever had. We ate so much for breakfast we didn’t need much else the rest of the day. Other than breakfast, one of our favorite meals for the week was the buffalo burgers that were at many of the restaurants. Our favorite place we dined was at Kevin Costner’s place in Deadwood. Costner’s movie props and costumes fill the walls and make this a great dining experience. Costner’s “Dances with Wolves” was filmed locally and you can tour the movie location. We hoped to see live buffalo when we rode in Custer State Park but we didn’t see any, except for one in a field when we passed through Oklahoma.
Our next day was supposed to be a ride with the whole group. But that was not to be. One of the bikes had a problem out on the road. This problem created what I refer to as a “roadside seminar”. Even with all the knowledge by our men-folk of what makes a Harley run, the breakdown caused part of our group to change their plans and get in gear to get this bike back on the road. After a day in the Rapid City Harley shop they were finally back in the saddle again but not until the following day. Yes they do break down and from the looks of the repair department they were slammed with some anxious folk’s bikes. You can always rent a bike if you can’t get yours fixed and quite a few were just buying a new one! They say H-D stands for hundred dollars! I thought that was what would happen within our group. We had one member with a hole burning in his pocket for a custom Chopper. Sturgis is filled with vendors and bike builders from across the country. You can spend lots of money very easily, if you have it to spend!
Our next week was filled with wonderful rides to Custer State park, Devil’s Tower in Wyoming, Needles Highway, Crazy Horse monument, Boot Hill Cemetery, the Badlands and all parts in between. These roads and highways seem to be made just for motorcycles. As we made our way through the beautiful canyons and mountains, the rumble of loud pipes was music to my ears as the miles and miles of riders stretched on in front, behind and coming toward us for as far as you could see. I have never seen so many motorcycles in one place in my life. It made you smile just to know that you were part of something that big. At the Rapid City Convention Center, the Harley-Davidson Expo was the place to see all the 2010 models, motors and clothing. I even learned I had made it in the 2010 brochure. I picked up the new brochure and turned the page and instantly saw my picture. It is a picture of me sitting on a good friend’s 1942 Harley, in the mosaic that makes up this years book. I was so excited to think that out of millions of pictures submitted that I was picked. Yes it is a very tiny photo but it is still a part of the overall picture. and for key word search type in Minden. In fact I have found it in about 5 or 6 places so far!
As I have matured (I hate that word) somewhat (I turn 50 this year) I started thinking I need to learn to ride my own Harley. Women riders are on the rise and Harley-Davidson designs many of the bikes with women in mind. In August before I left for Sturgis, I sold my beloved 1937 Buick “Olivia”. She needed to be passed on to a family that would love her as much as I have loved her. She had served her purpose and had changed my life for the better. She is now helping me with a new part of my life. Selling her will allow me to possibly do something else that I have always wanted to do…so in August I signed up for the Rider’s Edge riding class at the Shreveport Harley store. They say life begins at 50; my class is one day after my 50th birthday. I have my eye on a Deluxe with wide whitewalls and two-tone paint that resembles the old 1940s bikes. For anyone wanting to get rich quick now would be the time to take out a life insurance policy on me! So for now I will try to keep the shinny side up and the rubber on the road!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Another Good Use For An Old Tractor
Someone sent this to me in an email. It sounds like Chet Atkins meets Green Acres. Enjoy
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Get Geared Up For Car Show Season!
Top Ten Reasons I Go To Petit Jean Mountain In Arkansas

1.To be 1 of 100,000 that visit the MOTAA Father’s Day Weekend Car Show
2. To visit the Museum of Automobiles
3. I support Mid America Old Time Automobile Association
4. I have gasoline and oil in my veins
5. I love the mountain air with a little exhaust mixed in
6. One antique car is never enough
7. I love the sound of a vintage car horn early in the morning
8. I needed a part for my vehicle
9. It is a family tradition
10. I want to keep the Antique car hobby alive and well
These are all reasons that I love Petit Jean Mountain in Morrilton, Arkansas plus I have many more. One of my recent articles about car clubs needing a shot in the arm really got a lot of folks geared up including myself. I made it to a meeting and I am proud to announce that my local club the Ark-La-Tex Antique and Classic Car Association is alive and well! Some positive feedback was voiced to a well attended meeting that made some crucial decisions.

My real job is doing this on a parish level. I am the director of the Dorcheat Historical Association Museum, Inc. in Minden, Louisiana. This is a parish museum that opened in June of 2008. It seems like I am always trying to keep history alive in some form or another. I also am involved in my historic residential district area and our local historic cemetery. In fact I put on an annual cemetery tour to teach about the citizens of the past with actors and actresses. All of these always include an antique car or two in the background.
It has been said about me that if it is old, rusty, paint peeling off, buried or will not crank that I have something to do with it. I guess that is true but I am glad to be known for that. I wish more people would care about preservation in all aspects as much as I do. Cars to me are the ultimate antique and the ultimate way to express your self.
My car changed my life on April 9th, 2002 and I am forever grateful to her! I would never have known any of the 100’s of wonderful people and lifelong friends that I have meet in the last 7 years. Had I not made that decision to drive to Eunice, Lou

Who could have known that one 1937 Buick Special could change my life and make an impact on so many other lives and events in and around me. It is because of her that I am involved with Mid America Old Time Automobile Association and Ark-La-Tex Antique & Classic Car Association. It is because of her that I am writing stories for three magazines. So every time I get behind her wheel a tear or two might roll down my cheek because she changed my world.
I believe in Devine intervention. I believe that God surely had a hand in me and this car getting together. It is because of her that I started the “Cruisin’ for a Cure Wheels through Time Car Show” and . This show has raised over $70,000 in six years for St. Jude Research Hospital! Who would have believed one car could do so much for so many people.
She spurred on a lifelong love of all things antique. An older gentleman once called me and said, “I hear you like old cars and old men!” (I think he was preparing to ask me out) I quickly said, “I like old cars!” That was the end of that conversation! I learned then that a 1937 Buick was like a magnet for a certain age group of men. My friends said you need to sell that c

So when you are wondering why you need to get out and go to a car show or come to Petit Jean Mountain this year remember it is because the cars you own have changed your life and you saved them from becoming an abandoned or crushed pile of rusted metal. If that doesn’t make you appreciate what you have then you are not really a car person. You might think you saved an old car from the scrap yard but if truth be known that car may have saved you. You owe it to yourself and you owe it to the car that you love and that loves you back. If you don’t understand those last statements then you are not a real car person, you don’t have it in your blood, and seeing a restored car go
For more information on what I am up to with all of my projects and stories you can visit my blog and from there link to all the rest. "On The Road with Schelley Brown" Blog is all about me and my family, friends and the things that make up my life here in Minden, Louisiana and on the road!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My Letter To The Editor Of The Minden Press

As the show’s creator and promoter I would like to thank the many, many people that came together to help me make the car show a success. Many of these people have been with me since 2004 and this is what now makes it run so smoothly. I am so thankful to have these friends that stand behind me and what I do. They are always there when I ask; it can be for the Minden Cemetery Ghost Walk or the Historic Residential District, the Dorcheat Historical Association Museum and anything else I come up with. They are always there!
Without Coca-Cola Bottling of Minden, Inc this show would not happen. They bend over backwards to help me in any way they can. I am greatly indebted and thankful to the Hunter family! I am very fortunate that Webster Parish Convention and Visitors Bureau sponsors this event for much of the show’s advertising expense. This show pulls in thousands of out of town visitors and those visitors spend a lot of money while they are here. What they spend on gas, hotel, and food makes a big economic impact on this area and that is what tourism is all about. The City of Minden Departments is another big supporter in all that they do to accommodate me in all my many projects. We work for a week to get the fairgrounds ready and they are there for me with anything I need.
Plans were made last year to change the format of the show to benefit two organizations that are important to children. St. Jude and the Dorcheat Historical Association Museum are important causes to me. In the beginning I set this show up to benefit St. Jude Research Hospital because I wanted a way to give back and add to what Minden already does. (To date the show has given $65,000 to St. Jude with another $8,000 estimated to be sent this year.) After the first two years I realized that because Minden already gives so much at the Minden St. Jude auction that it was extremely hard to get sponsors and silent auction items to support the show (a sponsorship for this show is as little as $100 to get your name on the shirts). To put on a show of this magnitude you must have financial support. I have a few loyal Minden sponsors that I can always depend on for any of my many projects I am so grateful to have them. It is because of this that many of my sponsors also come from out of town. These out of town supporters are friends of mine that are a part of the car club community.
I work year round promoting and sending out info on this show. This constant work is why it continues to grow. This year the name of the show was changed to “Cruisin’ for a Cure Wheels through Time Car Show” the words St. Jude were left off and the museum logo and information was put on the flyers telling people that the money would be divided. By changing the format I can do the car show in the future for many causes that I feel need funding if I so choose; such as Breast Cancer awareness, St. Jude, Prostate Cancer, Louisiana Burn Camp for Children, and the Dorcheat Historical Association Museum. In fact the “Boo Bike” Harley that benefits the Louisiana Burn Camp made its 2nd appearance at this year’s show. They have had much success in raising money for the camp by selling the Harley Davidson raffle tickets here in Minden. This show not only benefits our town with an economic impact but can benefit many other causes as well. I look forward to next year, plans are already in motion for another big year in 2010.
Schelley Brown
Monday, May 4, 2009
Schelley's 58
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Schelley's 58 Cadillac |
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Record Breaking Attendance For 6th Annual Benefit Car Show

Saturday May 2nd, 2009 was a huge record breaker for the “Minden Cruisin’ for a Cure Wheels through Time Car Show”. An estimated crowd of over 5,000 made their way to Minden’s Fairgrounds breaking the old records of the past. Car entries were also up to the 250 range with car show participants coming from as far away as Louisiana Gulf Coast, Dallas-Fort Worth, Northern Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, and even Pennsylvania!
By 6:30 a.m. vehicles of all makes, models, and descriptions were coming in at a steady stream until 11:00 a.m., with lines winding their way down Goodwill Street to the entrance of the fairgrounds. First time car show volunteers were amazed at the numbers coming through the gates. Tourism Director Lynn Dorsey was on hand to greet the out of town guest at the entrance gate as well as Dorcheat Historical Association President Mr. Thad Andress. They helped track where many of the visitors were from that attended this years show.
Show director Schelley Brown stood at the gate for hours directing drivers on the proper class for their vehicle and then waving them on to the next volunteer that would help locate the proper parking spot based on class. This smooth operation is due now to the 6 years of experience with putting on one of the fastest growing shows in the South. Registration is also another smoothed out operation under the direction of Debbie Warner, Pam Holley, Gay Lewis, Mike Deeter, and Vicki Semmes. These long-time car show volunteers have helped over the years and have developed a very efficient system since the first show in 2004.
From T-Shirts to drink sells all ran like clockwork with many first time volunteers from the Dorcheat Historical Association Museum board on hand to help. The museum is one of the benefactors this year from the proceeds of the show, with half going to the museum and half going to St. Jude. “I think my new volunteers enjoyed the experience and they got to see how much work is involved in this kind of event. I can’t do this show with out a huge number of friends and volunteers; they are what make it run smooth for me. That way I can concentrate on getting the cars here and in the right classes. I owe them all a huge Thank You!” remarked Brown.
The silent auction this year was another huge success. Mitzi Madden, Katie and Eddie Sangid have been in charge of this part of the show for several years and have perfected the show’s silent auction. With hundreds of items lined up in the forestry building, this was one of the big highlights of the show for event goers. The silent auction is based on donated items from area merchants, Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Minden, friends and many of the car clubs in the area.
“I knew we were going to have a good show this year, if the weather would hold out for us. We had 108 pre-registered cars and most folks don’t pre-register for car show! They usually wait to see how the weather is going to act. The show has had bad weather in the past but has always managed to draw large crowds, which is something to be proud of. Vehicle numbers would have been higher had the Sunday forecast been good. We had many overnight guest that were traveling home on Sunday and didn‘t want to risk damage to their vehicles. One club from Texas came without their cars, due to the predicted storms for Sunday. This club paid to register their cars even though they didn’t bring them! It just goes to show that car people are people that support good causes and care about their communities.” stated show director; Schelley Brown.
The music venue was changed this year to a tent supplied by “Archie’s Tents” set up at the back of the fairgrounds with sound supplied by Durwood Blake. This setup seemed to be a big hit with show goers. Music was provided by Debbie Waters and the Bayou Majic Band with an added singer, Johnny Couch. Topping the day off was the popular performance by, Minden’s own “Elvis” Mr. Mike Spillers. “Elvis” was chauffeured to the stage in a 1959 Cadillac driven by Les Sadler of Sadler Production in Bossier City.
By 3:30 the show barn was packed with a crowd, in anticipation of the drawings for the vehicle registration prizes. The grand prize of $500 was won by Mr. David Barnhill of Keithville, past president of the Ark-La-Tex Antique and Classic Car Association and owner of a 1977 LTD Starskey and Hutch car. David promptly gave $200 back to the show! Partner in Hope booth; headed up by Cora Lou Robinson had some big prize drawings. 1st place $1000 diamond and sapphire ring donated by D.C. Pawn won by Kerry Bryce of Minden, 2nd place R & V Works fish cooker won by Ruth Ellen Hanna of Dubach, 3rd place Dr. Pepper bike donated by Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Minden was won by Lou Snook of Minden.
Many new folks come in this year, in fact one couple from Little Rock said they could now scratch the Minden Show off their “Bucket List” they said they had always heard a lot about the show and always wanted to come but had never be able to make it. They loved the show and promised to be back next year! That is what putting on a good show is all about. 2010 plans are already in the works. For more pictures and information keeping checking the site
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Rest In Peace Lucky Dog

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Saturday May 2nd, 2009 will be the 6th year in Minden, Louisiana that car enthusiasts have come together to show that they care. Held at the Minden, Louisiana Fair Grounds, you don't want to miss the 6th annual open class car show. This years show will include a silent auction, raffle items, $500 cash drawing, good fun, good people and a great time. Live music will be provided by Minden’s own Elvis, Mr. Mike Spillers and the Debbie Water’s Bayou Majic Band will also be performing and keeping toes tapping for most of the day,
Lots of goodie-bag items, t-shirts, plenty of Coca-Cola products and maybe even a few surprises before the day is over. Most of all lots of GREAT CARS (over 300 cars have registered in the past with 4000 spectators attending this event)! In the past five years this car show has given $65,000 for cancer research. This year two great causes that are important to our children will benefit from your car show support. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the Dorcheat Historical Association Museum, Inc. are two great causes that will benefit from the 2009 show.
Show organizer and promoter Schelley Brown reports, over 90 cars are pre-registered at this time. Brown commented that most folks don’t pre-register for car shows they wait and see what the weather is going to do. This show has had weather issues in the past but surprisingly has always been able to pull off a very successful show. In fact this show is one of the fastest growing shows in the Southern region. This year the extra incentive for pre-registering is two chances in the hopper for the $500 cash drawing that will be given to a lucky car show participant. Brown exclaimed, “This year, with many folks in need of extra money, I thought this would be a good way to get folks to travel the distance to come to Minden. Coming to a car show is an expensive endeavor with gas, hotel and food cost on the rise. So far we have several cars registered from the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, Northern Arkansas, South Louisiana and Texas. Cruisin’ Style Magazine and Southern Cruising News will be on hand again to cover this event for me. We have been featured several times in these publications as well as Antique Car Times. We are praying for beautiful weather and big crowds! I hope everyone in the area will come out and show their support and see the beautiful cars and just enjoy the day. We have a few rare cars that will be on hand for the show. One in particular is a 1936 Auburn Convertible this is something you don’t see everyday and is a rare automotive treat.”
For more information please contact Schelley Brown at 318-423-0192.
For more information on the car show and registration information and forms visit the web sites. and .
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Little Louisiana History Lesson and other Tings I Lurnt Wile Livin In Dat Lusana

If Hurricane Katrina causing the levees to break in New Orleans is the only thing you know about Louisiana , here are a few more interesting facts about the Bayou State:
* Louisiana has the tallest state capitol building in the nation at 450 feet.
* The Louisiana SuperDome in New Orleans is the largest enclosed stadium in the world.
* Baton Rouge was the site of the only American Revolution battle outside the original 13 colonies.
* Louisiana produces 24 percent of the nation's salt, the most in America .* Much of the world's food, coffee and oil pass through the Port of New Orleans .
* Tabasco , a Louisiana product, holds the second oldest food trademark in the U.S. Patent Office.
* The International Joke Telling Contest is held annually in Opelousas , Louisiana.
* LSU (The Ole War Skule) in Baton Rouge has the distinction of contributing the most officers to WW II after the U.S. Military academies.
* The game of craps was invented in New Orleans in 1813 as betting was a common activity on the wharves.
* When states had their own currency, the Louisiana Dix (French for ten) was a favored currency for trade. English speakers called them Dixies and coined the term Dixieland.
1. Possums sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the air. If you can get too them fast enouf, it's road kill.
2. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 live in LOUISIANA
3. There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 live in LOUISIANA plus a couple no one 's seen before.
4. If it grows, it sticks; if it crawls, it bites.
5. Onced and twiced are words.
6. It is not a shopping cart; it is a buggy.
7. Fire ants consider your flesh as a picnic
8. People actually grow and eat okra.
9. Fix & into is one word: FIXINTO
10. There is no such thing as 'lunch'. There is only dinner and then there is supper.
11. Ice tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar!
12. Backards and forwards means 'I know everything about you.'
13. Jeet? Is actually a phrase meaning 'Did you eat?'
14. You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what time it is. You work until you're done or it's too dark to see.
15. You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH them. (YEP)
2. You've ever had to switch from 'heat' to 'A/C' in the same day. (Just done this a few days ago.)
3. You use 'fix' as a verb. Example: 'I'm fixing to go to the store '
4. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect or animal.
5. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked.
6. You know what a 'DAWG' is.
7. You carry jumper cables in your car...for your OWN car.
8. You only own five spices: Tony's (Chachere?), salt, pepper, Tabasco and ketchup. By the way, Tabasco & Tony's are both made in Lousiana.
9. The local papers cover national and international news on one page but require 6 pages for local gossip and sports.
10. You think that the first day of deer season is a national holiday.
11. You find 100 degrees Fahrenheit 'a little warm'.
12. You know all four seasons: Deer Season, Duck Season, Crawfish Season, Summer.
13. You know whether another LOUISIANIAN is from, north or south, as soon as they start talkin' (speaking).
14. Going to Wal-mart is a favorite past time known as 'goin Wal-martin' or 'off to Wally World'?
15. You describe the first cool snap (below 70 degrees) as good gumbo weather. YEP, that's right.
16. A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola or's a Coke, regardless of brand or flavor.
Example: 'What kinda coke you want?'
17. Fried catfish is the other white meat.
18. We don't need no stinking driver's Ed ....if our mama says we can drive, we can drive.
19. You understand these jokes and forward them to your friends from LOUISIANA (and those who just wish they were).
Friday, March 27, 2009
This is the story of my 1928 Model A "John Boy"
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Schelley Brown's 1928 Model A Roadster |
Click on album to see before, during and now photos.
This is the story of a 1928 Model A Roadster and it’s slow progress of restoration. This car kind of fell in my lap as most deals that you don’t want to pass up do. It was right down the street from fellow car club members Ray and Linda Shaw (they also are Model A owners). Ray went with me to look at the car. It was owned by an older man and he had owned it since the 60’s. A tree had fallen on his garage and had broken the bows in the top. The car had not been cranked or driven in years but it was inside a building. Ray put a battery in it a little gas and it cranked right up.
Well needless to say I bought it. I had a 0% credit card from Discover and the hook was you had to only charge 2 times a month on it. So I transferred the balance for the car to that and had a 0% loan on it! Ray took it home I drove it around the yard for the first and only time! Then Ray and Linda started taking it apart. Ray did a great job on the motor and all the gears and underneath. We had the wheels powdered coated. We got the dirt-dobber nest out of it!
Then after a while Ray decided the paint and body work was more than he was able to do in his small shop. It needed to be media blasted it ended up in two places for that. One in Ruston for soda blasting which I was not to pleased with and 2nd was a trip to Mr. Dwight Rachel in Anacoco, Louisiana. Dwight is a car nut and has a recreation of an old gas station in his yard that was worth the trip down just to see that. We left it there and went back later to pick it up and take the ‘28 to its new home.
That is where my brother-in-law comes in. David Stahl owns Ark-La-Tex Collision in Minden. I wanted David to do a first class job on the car. I wanted a Senior Car to take to the car show at Petit Jean and to drive to Winnsboro, Texas to the Autumn Trails for Model A Fords that is held every October. Well David started out pretty good. He painted and ordered lots of new parts. But then his real work got in the way. Free family jobs are not the most profitable so the ’28 got put on the back burner and then moved into a corner of the body shop. The other day I went down to look at it and could barley find it. His shop was packed with customers cars and I don't know if he will ever be able to get back to it. So now I need to figure out what to do with this wonderful old piece of automotive history. My hope is... if I can’t get it back together.. that I will find someone that will want to trade a nice running Model A Sedan for a Roadster project and me add some money to that trade or just find someone to sell it to outright. Anyone that knows me knows how bad I hate to give up anything old….. but this car needs to be out on the road less travled with the wind blowing around its radiator cap wings and its aaaoogaaa horn blowing. You can contact me at 318-423-0192 or if you are interested in owning this great little car.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Louisiana HOG Rally Weekend 2009
Click on album to see pictures. ![]() |
Louisiana HOG Ralley 2009 |
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Minden, Louisiana Breaks A New St. Jude Record In 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Minden Cruisin For A Cure Wheels Through Time Car Show In The Works

Lots of goodie-bag items, t-shirts, plenty of Coca-Cola products and maybe even a few surprises before the day is over. Most of all lots of GREAT CARS (over 300 cars have registered in the past with 4000 spectators attending this event)! In the past five years this car show has given $65,000 for cancer research. This year two great causes that are important to our children will benefit from your car show support. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the Dorcheat Historical Association Museum, Inc. are two great causes that will benefit from the 2009 show.
If you would like to be a sponsor for the 2009 car show please let Schelley Brown know as soon as possible. This year we plan on the show being bigger and better than ever! With your help the possibilities are endless. For more information please contact Schelley Brown at 318-423-0192.
For more information on the car show and registration information and forms visit the web sites. and .
Monday, January 26, 2009
25 Random Things About Me
1. I am very nostalgic
2. I love to write stories and have become addicted to blogging. That is why I love my personal blog it gives me a place to put all my stories.
3. I am very sentimental and keep everything.
4. I love old movies one of my favorite is the Ghost and Mrs. Muir and Spencer’s Mountain. TV Land is about the only channel I watch.
5. If I am not working on a project I get nervous. I like to stay busy.
6. My New Years Resolution is that old rule your mother told you over and over. “If you can’t say something nice about someone, do not say anything at all.”
7. My Motto is a Dolly Parton quote “Smile it improves your face value!” taken from Steel Magnolias
8. I have a very short fuse when I am with certain kinds of personalities
9. I like things to go a certain way (I guess that is why I never form committees) I just do it myself.
10. I sometimes wish I could go back in time and just stay there. If I could turn the clock back I would like to go back to about 1974 and just stay in that year. I picked that year because I could drive! I would really like to go back earlier when I was a little kid.
11. I LOVE OLD CARS! My 37 Buick has changed my life. You have to read the story on my blog to understand that.
12. I am very spiritual but don’t go to church that much. It makes me cry too much. Riding on the back of a Harley with the wind blowing in my face makes me feel alive and close to God. I sometimes cry then too.
13. I cry easy when I am around older people and listen to their stories about growing up. You can see it in their eyes that they know that they have lived out most of the good parts of their life.
14. I am a volunteer person but most of it deals with old stuff. Minden Cemetery, Minden Historic District, The St. Jude Wheels Through Time Car Show, Mid America Old Time Automobile Association and the Museum of Automobiles, Ark-La-Tex Antique Automobile Association.
15. I love my job at the Dorcheat Museum it is my Dream Job
16. I want to open a B&B / Tea Room in Minden but need a bigger house to do it.
17. I love old time Bluegrass music. I also love old time rock n roll.
18. I love my niece and think she is a miracle child for my family. She is probably the reason my family survived my brother dying and my sister getting sick with cancer. She is the light in our lives. When she was a baby I would sit by her baby bed until she went to sleep and she would put her hand through the bars and hold on to my hand so I couldn’t leave. (I would play Dolly Parton and Grand Pa Jones tapes for her) she loved them when she was little.
19. If I every won or had a lot of money the first thing I would do is buy a travel trailer or motor home and start on one side of the U.S. and wind my way across seeing every little town and visiting every museum and back road I could find. My dream is to drive my old car across the Blue Ridge Mountains. I just want to see the United States. I have no desire to go overseas.
20. My relationships with men have always been complicated.
21. I have a few lifelong and almost lifelong friends that have always been their when I needed them.
22. Selling cars for almost 10 years made me wonder where all the normal people were.
23. I went to college to be a photographer but dropped out
24. I have a fear of cancer and feel like I should hurry up and live my life in case I get it. (Strong Family History of Cancer)
25. I want to make a difference in Minden and what it is and what it can be.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Friends Are Important Things In Life!
Friday, January 9, 2009
My Dream Job “The Dorcheat Historical Association Museum, Inc.”
For those of you that know me the following statement is the way I describe my self; “If it is old, rusty, paint peeling off, buried or will not crank, I have something to do with it!” In 2007, I was finally after nea

In January 2007, after several attempts by the Dorcheat Historical Association to get me involved helping them raise money, I went to work for them. As some of you know I had just about volunteered myself into the poor house and I just couldn’t do anything else and work selling cars too. So I went to the association President; Mr. Thad Andress and asked for a job. That same day a meeting of association board members was held and I was hired. I was so excited and thrilled to be able to finally do the things that I love, plan events and to help preserve history and raise awareness of our history in Webster Parish.
The Dorcheat Historical Association Museum wasn’t even open yet and I went to work the next day trying to figure out how to raise money, awareness and gain support from our community. Six months later after much hard work from many, many people we opened the doors, to what I think is one of the best local museums around. When a new visitor walks in the door, usually the first word out of their mouth is “WOW”!
With the direction of Museum Exhibit designer local artist Larry Milford has transformed our building at 116 Pearl Street into a “step back in time”. It reminds me of going into some of the exhibits at Disney World. We are first class and have Larry Milford to thank for a lot of it. It truly is a work of art from the front door to the back door. It is also a huge work in progress and will be for quite some time.
Our museum is a timeline of our parish. We start with our earliest inhabitants the Indians and move on to our pioneer families and early settlements. The importance of cotton to our area is highlighted with one of the last square bales from the area. We even have a log house inside the museum that is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. From there we have the Civil War and Reconstruction, Black History, Historic Homes, Famous People (too many to even list in this story) Education, Disasters, Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Churches, Fire and Police, Commerce and Theaters just to name a few of our wonderful exhibits that are in the works. Sound effects and live footage add to your overall museum visit.
Funding is always an issue with museums. We have been fortunate so far to have some generous local support and also big support from the Webster Parish Convention and Visitors Bureau. Historic venues are one of the biggest tourism draw in most states and Louisiana is no exception. We now have a place for visitors to come. One day soon will have a theater room, equipped with surround sou

Other fundraising projects include our two cookbooks. Our first cookbook “A Taste of Yesterday” not only has 400 recipes it includes historic pictures and history of Webster Parish. This first book sold over 500 copies in 10 days when it first hit the shelves in 2007. In 2008 our second book told of early education of Webster parish “A Taste Of Class” was just as big of a hit as our first book. In fact I think now people will expect a new book from us every year. These books have been given as gifts to a few people you may have heard of; President Bush, Allison Krauss, Secretary of State Jay Dardenne. I have mailed books all over the country! We still have a few available and you can go to our web site to see the information about them and the rest of the exciting things going on at the museum.
This year the Minden Press Herald voted the museum the number 10 item in the top 10 things that happened in 2008. To me that was extremely exciting. One of the reasons we were voted in the top 10 is the monthly events that started in March of 2008 and ran until November of 2008. These second Monday of the month events are called “A Night for the Museum” and are held at Christopher’s located just around the corner from the museum at 615 Main Street in Minden, Louisiana, right in the heart of Minden’s Historic Downtown area. These events take place at 6:00 P.M. with refreshments and socializing first and at 6:30 our guest speaker begins. These historic events have featured two men that had grandfathers that fought in the Civil War, one gentleman that began his love of the railroad at 16, a local author of a book written about a 1916 murder, the Bossier Parish Historian, the Webster Parish Historian, a trip down memory lane back to the 1950s, a touching night filled with stories about the immigrant families that came to our area with nothing but a few dollars, WWII Veterans and much more.
January 12, 2009 our second season began with WWII Veteran Mr. John S. Willis. This 90 year old veteran flew over 30 amazing missions in WWII. February’s focus on our Black History and Dr. Roy G. Phillips’ amazing research of his family back to Africa and his work on our Black History exhibit will be an important night to remember. More speakers are lined up for the year so you don’t want to miss a single one. If you do miss one, we have a DVD available for $10 each of our speakers. You can read about our events also on our web site and in our new Newsletter “Legacies and Legends”. If you aren’t on our mailing list please give me a call at 318-423-0192 and I will add you to our data base.
If you have items that you think would be of interest to the museum please drop by or give me a call. The museum hours are Closed on Monday, Open Tuesday – Friday 10 A.M. – 1 P.M. closed from 1-2 for lunch and back from 2 P.M. – 4 P.M. Saturday Hours are 10 A.M. – Noon. We are also open for special meetings and group tours by appointment. Cost is $4.00 Adults $2.00 Children with special group rates available.
Something is always happening at the museum. Remember this is not my museum it is your museum so help us make history happen in 2009. For more information visit
Monday, January 5, 2009