This is something someone sent me on Facebook and it really made me think about myself.
1. I am very nostalgic
2. I love to write stories and have become addicted to blogging. That is why I love my personal blog it gives me a place to put all my stories.
3. I am very sentimental and keep everything.
4. I love old movies one of my favorite is the Ghost and Mrs. Muir and Spencer’s Mountain. TV Land is about the only channel I watch.
5. If I am not working on a project I get nervous. I like to stay busy.
6. My New Years Resolution is that old rule your mother told you over and over. “If you can’t say something nice about someone, do not say anything at all.”
7. My Motto is a Dolly Parton quote “Smile it improves your face value!” taken from Steel Magnolias
8. I have a very short fuse when I am with certain kinds of personalities
9. I like things to go a certain way (I guess that is why I never form committees) I just do it myself.
10. I sometimes wish I could go back in time and just stay there. If I could turn the clock back I would like to go back to about 1974 and just stay in that year. I picked that year because I could drive! I would really like to go back earlier when I was a little kid.
11. I LOVE OLD CARS! My 37 Buick has changed my life. You have to read the story on my blog to understand that.
12. I am very spiritual but don’t go to church that much. It makes me cry too much. Riding on the back of a Harley with the wind blowing in my face makes me feel alive and close to God. I sometimes cry then too.
13. I cry easy when I am around older people and listen to their stories about growing up. You can see it in their eyes that they know that they have lived out most of the good parts of their life.
14. I am a volunteer person but most of it deals with old stuff. Minden Cemetery, Minden Historic District, The St. Jude Wheels Through Time Car Show, Mid America Old Time Automobile Association and the Museum of Automobiles, Ark-La-Tex Antique Automobile Association.
15. I love my job at the Dorcheat Museum it is my Dream Job
16. I want to open a B&B / Tea Room in Minden but need a bigger house to do it.
17. I love old time Bluegrass music. I also love old time rock n roll.
18. I love my niece and think she is a miracle child for my family. She is probably the reason my family survived my brother dying and my sister getting sick with cancer. She is the light in our lives. When she was a baby I would sit by her baby bed until she went to sleep and she would put her hand through the bars and hold on to my hand so I couldn’t leave. (I would play Dolly Parton and Grand Pa Jones tapes for her) she loved them when she was little.
19. If I every won or had a lot of money the first thing I would do is buy a travel trailer or motor home and start on one side of the U.S. and wind my way across seeing every little town and visiting every museum and back road I could find. My dream is to drive my old car across the Blue Ridge Mountains. I just want to see the United States. I have no desire to go overseas.
20. My relationships with men have always been complicated.
21. I have a few lifelong and almost lifelong friends that have always been their when I needed them.
22. Selling cars for almost 10 years made me wonder where all the normal people were.
23. I went to college to be a photographer but dropped out
24. I have a fear of cancer and feel like I should hurry up and live my life in case I get it. (Strong Family History of Cancer)
25. I want to make a difference in Minden and what it is and what it can be.
"On The Road With Schelley Brown Francis" Blog is all about me and my family, friends and the things that make up my life here in Minden, Louisiana! Many of the people, places and things in my life are related to "Olivia" a 1937 Buick Special that I was allowed to own for a period of time. She is named after the mother of the Waltons T.V. show. She changed my life on April 9th, 2002 and I am forever grateful to her! If you aren't a real car person you can never understand that last statement. It is because of her that I have the 100's of friends that I have now. It is because of her that I created Minden Cruisin For A Cure Wheels Through Time Car Show. It is because of her that I am envolved with Mid America Old Time Automobile Association. Everytime I got behind her wheel a tear or two might roll down my cheek because she changed my world and who would have believed one car could do so much for so many people.
In August of 2009 I made a hard decision to sell my beloved "Olivia" it was time for a new chapter in my life and someone that loved her as much as I did wanted to buy her. She changed my life and by selling her she will allow me to fullfill another dream maybe! In 2012 I became a member of Motor Maids, Inc. the oldest women's motorcycle group in the U.S. and Canada. This is the new chapter in my life, riding my 2004 Harley with a great group of new friends.
In September of 2014 I was hit at a red light in Magnolia, Arkansas.....I wasn't totaled out but my motorcycle was. Shortly afterward I found my next ride a 2013 HD Heritage named Buttercup.... cause I sure had to suck it up and just ride.
In August of 2009 I made a hard decision to sell my beloved "Olivia" it was time for a new chapter in my life and someone that loved her as much as I did wanted to buy her. She changed my life and by selling her she will allow me to fullfill another dream maybe! In 2012 I became a member of Motor Maids, Inc. the oldest women's motorcycle group in the U.S. and Canada. This is the new chapter in my life, riding my 2004 Harley with a great group of new friends.
In September of 2014 I was hit at a red light in Magnolia, Arkansas.....I wasn't totaled out but my motorcycle was. Shortly afterward I found my next ride a 2013 HD Heritage named Buttercup.... cause I sure had to suck it up and just ride.

1937 Buick Special
Me and "The Hell Bitch"

My 50th birthday gift to myself a 2004 Harley she is named after Captain Call's horse on Lonesome Dove.
I Want This Bike!

Me On A 1942 Harley